
Fiesole was an Etruscan fortress very well underway in the 8th century Bce until the Romans failed-after several attempts-to dominate the community and build a thriving city on the ruins of what went before them. For centuries it was an enemy and rival of Florence until, once again, was subdued and the nobles that ruled they were forced to move their residences within the city walls.

The city centre is piazza Mino da Fiesole, where you will find the impressive Romanesque cathedral, the Palazzo Altoviti and the municipality. At the end of a steep and short climb which begins on the West side of the square is the Church of San Francesco.

Always near Piazza Mino, but heading north is the entrance to the Roman Theatre. In addition to theater, perfectly preserved, are the remains of a necropolis, Roman baths and some other Late-Imperial-era buildings.

Just a few metres from the Roman theatre there is the entrance of the Bandini Museum, which houses an important and extensive collection of Della Robbia pottery.

The Hill rises to 295 metres above Florence, with breathtaking views and exclusive of the Renaissance City par excellence.

Panorama di Firenze vista da Fiesole

Fiesole vista dall'alto